Local Artists


Ross Foote

After years of painting houses to withstand the tough Territory conditions, Ross turned his hand to more artistic work and found that he had a knack for composition and colour. Working in a acrylic, he paints a wide range of subjects from abstract art to portraits, but his favourite subject is sci-fi and space themes. Out of this world!

Jac U’amhim

A local artist who paints landscapes and nature scenes, Jac is inspired by the Katherine region and its surrounding territories. Oil on canvas, Jac’s work captures bold and beautiful colour and the true majesty of nature. He has previously been awarded the Katherine Prize for his work.

Sonya Hart

Capturing the beauty and soul of her subjects in stunning watercolour, Sonya creates a wide variety of mugs and cards displaying her distinctive, loving work.

Lauren Ipsum

Hey, this placeholder text could be promoting you instead of some random person I made up! How cool would that be? Chat to us here if you think that would be awesome, too.

From houses to space, let Ross Foote take you on a journey.

Ross Foote

The beauty of nature captured on canvas.

Jac U’amhim

Care and creativity in a wondrous symphony.

Sonya Hart

 Imagination: not just for imaginary people.

Lauren Ipsum

To replace this (not real) person with your excellent work, talk to us here.


If you are interested in selling your work with us, or if you would like to organise an exhibition of your art, let’s talk.